

About the project

As part of a project brief I was asked to create a product marketing page, giving insight into my design decisions, particularly from a UX perspective.


I was provided with a product brochure and tasked with creating a marketing site based on that content. I assumed this was 'signed off' content so used as is.

Having reviewed the supplied documentation I created some initial wifeframe sketches.

Adopting a user centred design approach it was apparent that the key requirement was to provide assurance to the user. They had identified a professional and experienced organisation that would be able to resolve their current predicament, a data breach.

From a business requirement perspective, the key goal was for the user to contact the company to get further information, which would ideally lead on to a sale of some sort. For that reason all contact details were clearly visible. A hamburger menu was not used.

Following on from my sketches I then created a responsive prototype using Zurb Foundation.


As part of this exercise I also created an initial 'style tile' to provide a high level overview of the likely branding, using colours and assets as provided.

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Glass Radar App