Superdrug - A S Watson


As part of a project brief I was asked to create a revised design for the Superdrug homepage. For the purpose of this task I used Zurb Foundation.


The existing design seen to the left, above on smaller devices, features a significant amount of content in a relatively small area. As a result of this it is difficult to distinguish the different type of content and their purpose.

In the proposed design each section is more clearly defined with additional white space used to separate the content, each having a clearly defined section title. I also gave more prominence to the search box, particularly on mobile devices, to encourage the user to search instead of using the large mega menu.

Following a discussion with the design lead it was identified that there was a need to promote additional content types on the homepage other than just products. As a result of this I decided to introduce a blog element, split into three clear sections that would give advice on health, beauty and general tips. These would typically be seasonal in nature.

The proposed site also uses responsive design to make it tablet and mobile friendly.


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